In recent years, Indian passports have gained significant strength, allowing their holders to enjoy visa-free entry to numerous countries across the globe. While it wasn’t long ago that Indian travellers had limited options, India’s passport now ranks 80th in terms of power, granting access to 57 countries without the need for a visa.

Visa-Free Travel Destinations for Indian Passport Holders:

1. Asia: Indian passport holders can explore a variety of Asian destinations without the hassle of obtaining a visa. These include Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Maldives, Myanmar, Macau, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Thailand. Many of these countries offer visa on arrival, making travel more accessible and convenient.

2. Middle East: The Middle East also opens its doors to Indian travellers. Countries like Iran, Jordan, Oman, and Qatar extend visa-free entry to Indian passport holders, making it easier to explore this culturally rich region.

3. Oceania: Indian passport holders looking to explore the picturesque landscapes of Oceania have several options. Countries like Fiji, Samoa, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Cook Islands welcome Indian travellers without the need for a visa in advance. Visa on arrival facilities further enhance the travel experience.

This expansion of visa-free travel opportunities underscores the growing global recognition of India’s passport strength. Indian travellers now have the freedom to explore diverse cultures, landscapes, and experiences across the world without the hindrance of visa requirements.

As the power of the Indian passport continues to grow, it’s an exciting time for Indian globetrotters, offering more opportunities to embark on memorable journeys and discover the beauty of the world.
