The benefits of the Super Visa largely have to do with the length of its validity. Click below to know more!

The Super Visa is a temporary resident visa (TRV) that enables sponsored parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or PRs to visit their Canadian family members for up to five years at a time without requiring a visa renewal. Additionally, sponsored individuals with an existing Super Visa can apply for a visa extension that allows them to remain in Canada as a visitor for up to seven years. Finally, the Super Visa (via visa extensions) also grants parents and grandparents the ability to enter Canada multiple times for up to 10 years.

Other benefits of Canada’s Super Visa program include:

  • Year-round visa availability
  • The ability for sponsored individuals to freely travel between their country of residence and Canada without needing to worry about re-applying for a TRV (for those in countries that require a TRV for entry to Canada)
  • Receipt of a letter authorizing their entry to Canada for up to two years (for those in countries that do not require TRVs for Canadian entry)
